in~spi~ra~tion, n.
1. Stimulation of the mind or emotions to a high level of feeling or activity.
2. Divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.
3. The act of drawing in, especially the inhalation of air into the lungs.

Meditate On This

try the Humanoid Scan
or the
The Mindfulness of The Rosary

woman jedi

Mindfulness of Breathing Practice - Wildmind

Shinzen Young - Meditation in Action

Living With Mindfulness, Managing Stress
- Women's Heart Foundation

How to Choose a Meditation Cushion -

Meditation Posture - Wildmind

Meditation Poem by Thich Nhat Hahn

Spirit Rock

Parallax Press: Resources for Mindful Living

The Physcial & Psychological Effects of Meditation
- Institute of Noetic Sciences

Meditation in the News - at Wildmind

5 Mindfulness Practices for Children
& Their Caregivers - at Omega

Meditation and Depression

Meditation and Stress

Interbeing by Thich Nhat Hahn

Loving Kindness Meditation

Benefits of Long-Term Meditation - Shinzen Young

The Practice of Meditation - Jack Kornfield

Mindful Nature Walking - Yoga Journal

Plum Village Meditation Center

Yoga Journal - Meditation

The Benefits of Zen Meditation in Addiction & Recovery

Therapy & Meditation - Mark Epstein

Meditation Guide @dmoz

Bringing the Monastery Home - Shinzen Young

Community for Mindful Living

Omega Institute for Holistic Studies

The Benefits of Walking Meditation

Mindful Yoga, Movement and Meditation - Jon Kabat-Zinn

Talk It Out - Wired Science

Basic Mindfulness: Shinzen Young's Phone Retreats

Chakra Meditation

Meditation FAQ

Good Questions, Good Answers: On Meditation

Inner Rave: Dance as Meditation

Insight Meditation: Technique in Walking Meditation

Easy Rest by Shinzen Young

Mindfulness Meditation Practice CD's - Jon Kabat-Zinn

Health and Age - Meditation Moves into the Mainstream

Sati - Mindfulness in Plain English

Posture-pedia by Shinzen Young

Breathing Lessons - Yoga Journal

Savor: Mindful Eating, Mindful Life:
Community, Book & Blog

Try an easy guided meditation led by Shinzen Young, "Creating Positive Feeling"

Many more videos at Shinzen's Youtube page, including lectures and exercises.

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