![]() page three! |
![]() that's me |
look at the front page or the next one after that or even the final page after this |
I can't even figure out how to explain how good of a day I just had with my Mom, Apache, the Kid, and my big brother Reginald. I love him. I love my Mom and my family. It was the best thing anybody could ever see on Earth. This is why life happens! lol, the end. |
My only one-hand picture of me and my baby brother, Harley, who's growing up a little bit more as of today! Hey, he looks like the raccoon statue Mom brought home from storage, even though, as Harley would say, she's overworrying about the mothball idea that's going on there. He said, be safe, but don't get crazy. So she was ready to drop the camera, not my Harleykins, lol! 03.18.12 I love you to Mom, Harley, and Reggie, too! Amen! <3 |
![]() Apache sings about love: Harley's Ten Apples Up On Top art project, live art style lol! ![]() |
Reggie died. I'm not happy or okay. Harley, Mom, and I are having a horrible time getting used to him as a spirit member of the family now only. He's around. I love his new form of being alive lol (like he says about it), but I don't want the changes that come with it. I'm afraid. This special moment in the Hannah Montana episode where she writes Gonna Get This made me feel very okay, for even just one moment, that the changes around us are all natural, okay, and for us to move ahead in life. I am the big cat in town now. Reggie still can help me, but I have to grow into the leader, so I will try to let Mom, me, and the Harles grow into our new style of life. Today, it's a little easier because I see the spirit of my big brother all around me now as helping me become who I am going to be once he's not here ~ a rock n roll jedi king of the forest lol. Amen to that! |
My god! I love this new version of the steal your face, don't you lol. Anyway, back to listening to shows. I have a lot of new Garcia songs to learn today. I really liked the story of Stagger Lee this morning. It's so NCIS LA meets the Grateful Dead style of music. Goodbye for now! |
Apache rocks Lol. I am food mix king. I am #1 tunnel sitter. And I love Brianna Stahlman so much more than anything else in the whole world. We're a good family! xo, Apache Stahlman (the end.) |
![]() So many moments of love. My family rules the universe of love lol! | ![]() Mom, Harley, and his new friend, Spike the dragon! |
![]() Brianna, the bravest lady in the whole world, sees and hears her first fireworks all at the same time! | ![]() Harley watched them all! He wasn't even scared! Well maybe a little! |
Olympics rock my family's world. The girls win gold in Olympics gymnastics. Phelps takes the gold with his team and sets a new all-world record in medals with 19 (and still keeps winning more lol). My brother Harley added his take on it by saying, "his boys helped him get ahead so he could win." Harley knows teamwork 100% right you are, Harley. Bob Costas called him past his prime but the smile on his face made us all happy to be #TeamUSA! |
My cat-cousin Bailey from Niagara Falls! I want him to know how much I love him even though I haven't seen him face to face yet. And we talked with Animal Communication thought-transmission - I am a Jedi :) - and Mom said hi to him at my cousin Andrea's house and he said, "you talk like that?" which is what they all say first. Then she took these two pics and he said yes he wanted to see one and he looked at the second one. Then at night I said hi to him from here with Mom doing her bridge-them-together routine she does as an actual shaman for not just humans Amen to that! And he said hi and acted like it was weird for him (they all do that, again, at first LOL) and he said he loved me and that was that. The end of this part of the story of me and my cousins from the Falls. The end. ~Apache the Kid Stahlman |
I love my family! We had such a fun Train night out with Mom. She bought me a bag and I laid on it with my brother and my sister and now we're all into Drive By and Jessie J. and the VMA's are coming up, and I'm excited for Harley's Yoda-artwork hanging up'age, and I love how happy I felt with Anita and Andrea and Gunnar all here. And my Jess, Jessie S. lol, she's the coolest, and Celia texts us photos of my cousin dog and cat at night-time, and Mom and me and Bri and Harley are about to watch Horseshack finally. I love this planet! The end. xo! ~Apache the "hey enough! Big J that's my middle name! HellNo, Train said we can use that term now it's family enough Lol. The end again. "Mom, don't really put this crap up online!" xo again. AtheKidStahlman. |
Seane Corn says, my mom is right lol. The whole quote goes: "Your body remembers everything. If you don't physically process it, it shows up as anxiety, tension, stress, disease, depression, or substance abuse. Yoga 'rinses' the emotions." And Apache adds, then shake up the happiness and have some fun today! |