More Photos and fun! <3
Love, Brianna kisses G6'ers! :)

My night out, by Harley the Kid. Having fun with my brother, sister, Mom, and my new action figure from the new Superman movie. We went way back in time to the Superman with Chris Reeve and Margot Kidder. Excellent, btw. Better is the fun #playcare that my Mom came up with for us while I hung out in my whole house on the bed with all of them. New way I stay out for a long time. This way, they all get to see me in my underground bed, watch me eat, and we all hang out for movies up close, too lol. I love it! I loved this night! And this is my movie for you! ~Love You, Harley <3! xo!

Starfighters and Graveyards lol xo!
Halloween Month Party #1

We had so much fun watching Juan Pablo's Bachelor on our new DVR (thanks Harley for using the remote like a remote-king!) and we had Harley opening his present that was all his Toy Story stuff - Cowboy Woody, Bullseye (the Imaginext one!), and his new Buzz that we got him from the actual Disney Store! We had so much fun. Mom was so happy. We called it our Happiest Day Alive! xo! We made a page of photos so you can see how happy we all are! It's called Bri's Toy Story + the Bachelor Fun Night!

Apache's first instant-reply tweet, to his fave (and now our morning routine guy) Late Night With Jimmy Fallon. We love the show! We love his humor! and we love the Roots, too! xo! Love, Apache T. of the G6 Group!

Avengers Movie Party!

Dawn of Justice Posters Rocked!

Our Jam!

Apache's Beam Blaster Beaming Smile

My Bri, the FanGirl, says we need to learn what the different Infinity Stones are since one of them is now being protected by Vision - who is worthy of keeping it safe, according to Thor!

Bri: Are you gonna eat floor food that she stepped on twice?
Apache: Yep.

Lost Boys (catbreak) Live Free or Die Hard!
xoxoxoxoxo! IRB and EH-AC-AP!

Settlers Day!

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