G6 Group
Food Is Good

I love to eat with my brothers
They are so fun at night
I kiss them every night
I kiss them in the morning
I love my treats!
I love my brothers!
I love them both so much more than anything
else in the whole world
We're a good family!

The food is good
The family is what matters
We love your watermelon
It makes you smile
You love me and
I am in love with you!

I love my mom
I eat with my brothers
This song's about food
What do you say about food?

A band
A family
Jedi Order
Kitten Chaos
The end.

Lyrics: Harley, Apache, Reggie, and Mom
Harley: Wheel
Apache: Purr, Drums
Mom: Singing
Reggie: Meows, Keyboard, Project Lead

Video made with clips from Apache's art project
Having Cake With Maggie

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