Ganesha Ganallery |
Lord G. called and asked if I wanted to type a message for him to add to the internet database of fun and games for people to enjoy themselves with. I was busy, but not that too-busy to avoid such an amazing job like that. I asked him what I should write about. He told me to tell people that the day is sweeter than you recall at the end of the day. Thinking about the challenges and the hard things is the normal way of covering your head at night. He said, try an approach which removes you from that. Spend a day or twelve or twenty-so very days where you sit down at night with your thoughts and allow the negative harsh feelings to pop in and wash over you. You know they will still be there in the morning. Conquer that old habit by saying a thankful, good thing that happened each time a negative or worry-wart idea comes into your head. It tosses you back into a harmonious way of life. Recalling that there are as many things that are very good - even on a day that is filled with distressing actions and feelings of pain - will always bring you to a sense of inner peace, assuring you that the world does provide one with an in-and-out way of life. Seek harmony and find your sense of wrong and right, as they equate into a world of unification for you.
love, sandra and lord g. xxoo |
("My Friend Ganesha" movie page) |
wallpaper/desktop at |
from Ramananda Bandopadhyay's Ganesh Series @the Aicon Gallery | ||