Love, Diana and the Feminine Divine

diana goddessFrom the woods to your own homes, Diana takes care of the animals - both wildlife and domestic - and she can help you also to provide yourself with the things you need. Not only in the hunt of actual food (as she is a hunter herself) but also your spiritual needs; and those you love can find shelter near her emblem, as well. Fertility and the moon are traditionally associated with Diana, the goddess!

read: Roman Diana, Encyclopedia Brittanica

Being small is not an issue with Diana on your side; she can protect you from the oppressive, if you offer her a home in your thoughts.

a wonderful way to grow your own spiritual identity is to build an altar in your home. in a quiet nook where you can contemplate how you feel about love and the divine.

china galland offers advice on how to build an altar, and other spiritual delights.

Prayer to Diana, Goddess of the Hunt
for victims of abuse

Diana on high
I impeach the men (women) who batter my body
I implore you to warrant respect by action against them
My world is a fragile body
My time is a limited tool
I use my home for my children's safety
I hold my heart out to you for protection from battery
Aid in my quest for calm and patience
As I wait by the side of the wood.

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